My poem "Engine Attitude" is the final poem of 2022 up at Palette Poetry. Thank you so much to the editors for choosing this one to close out the year. I love that the final word of their publication cycle and my own published work in 2022 is "because."
My poem "Flint Hills," inspired by the flint hills landscape of Kansas, appears in the current issue of Spoon River Poetry Review. Thank you SRPR Editors for choosing this poem!
I was pleased to be asked by my poet friend Melissa Fite-Johnson to join her in the "Poets on Craft" series curated by writer Bukong Tuon at Cultural Daily. You can read Melissa and I's thoughts on how we approach starting, building, and ending a poem. My poem "Sisters, We Must Gather Beneath the Tree of Life," is up today at SWWIM Every Day as part of their National Poetry Month project "Sing the Body," which features poems celebrating body positivity and our selves. It muses on sewing and the "tree of life" pattern that appears on a quilt my grandmother made. Missouri's current poet laureate, Maryfrances Wagner interviewed me for her podcast series, The Literary State. Check out my short episode and the others as well!
My article "Writing White: Martha Collins's Poetry of Collective Memory" is out in the most recent issue of Literary Imagination, published by the Association of Literary Scholars, Critics, and Writers. They've made the full issue available for reading for free, including all the scholarly articles and poems from notable poets such as Rita Dove, Nichole Sealey, and Major Jackson. Check it out.
My poem "Shale" appears in the current issue of Radar Poetry, a journal that features poems alongside original artwork. I love the piece the editors chose to pair with my poem, pictured above. It's called "Shelter in Place" by Sarah Detweiler from a series of hooded figures. Thank you Radar!
April 2024